
Mangrove Cay to Spanish Cay

Left Mangrove Cay after a lovely sunrise, and had a very calm day motoring to Spanish Cay and the Spanish Cay Marina. Here we checked in to the Bahamas so now we’re official. It’s very quiet here at the moment with only one other sailboat in the marina and a couple of power boats just stopping through to check in.

We met Steve and Sarah Oubre on L’Acadie, a 45′ benneteau. They are from Louisiana, where Steve is an architect, so we had lots in common to chat about. We had a great evening with them having drinks and dinner at the marina restaurant/bar. Drinks included the Spanish Fly, a very sweet rum cocktail, and dinner featured conch fritters, conch strips and fresh grouper. Really delicious! Finished it off with the biggest piece of Key Lime we’d ever seen. The 4 of us couldn’t eat it all but we gave it a really heroic try .

We had lots of time to visit with Gemma, one of the owners, who happens to be from Peru and married to a man from Texas. It’s such an interesting country with so many of these little islands privately owned and interesting people involved. Can’t forget Miss Caroline, the chef, Verdal, the dock hand, and of course Duke and Chloe, the marina dogs who cruise the docks. I’m sure this place rocks in the summer!

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