
Back in Marsh Harbor

After a wonderful Christmas and New Years holiday with family, we’ve had a classic planes, trains, and automobiles comedy to get back to Marsh Harbor. We had the extra bonus of getting to spend Chris’s Birthday with him in Atlanta, while negotiating the ice storm.

Now we’re back at Boat Harbor Marina and experiencing the winds and weather that have everyone hunkered down here during the winter. The great side to all this is we have plenty of time to work on boat projects (and plenty of them), as well as many activities in which to participate in through the yacht club.

We feel like we’re on a cruise ship with pickleball, bocce ball, mah jong, happy hour and meeting lots of new friends. Thank goodness we have bikes for getting around the marina and in to town. We use them every day. It’s a great community here with cruisers returning year after year and a beautiful marina.

I know we’re cruising when I start making yogurt!

New curtains for the boat.


1 Comment

  • Liz

    So sorry we missed you in Charleston. Great to find this blog so we can follow your adventures!

    February 1, 2017 at 4:40 pm

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