
Bingo Night at the Jib Room

Safely tucked in back at the marina at our new home on dock 5. Lots more boats here and we’re definitely more involved than we were out at dock 1. We have tons of boat projects to work on/finish and we’re quickly named the hardest working boat people. John gets our inverter up and running and we’re excited to test drive it.

Weather has kept us in the marina a few days more, but it’s been totally worth it. After several trips to the hardware and craft stores in town, I’ve finished the boat curtains and we are well on out way to inverter happiness. We have lots of opportunity to enjoy pickleball, Bocce and happy hour.  We’ve discovered excellent Conch salad in town by Leroy. Yum!!

We also couldn’t pass up Steak Night at the Jib Room which included cocktails, Bingo, amazing food, dancing and Limbo. So much fun!!



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