
Spanish Wells

We’ve had our first visitors and we’ve had a great time. George and Lisa Pohle came in to Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, from Florida and lugged about 50 pounds of gear for us.

We spent the first night at the Spanish Wells Yacht Haven which is a lovely marina, and rented a golf cart to explore around town. We discovered a beautiful beach and learned we needed to head over to Bernard’s for some fresh fish. He goes out most days, and locals know to stop by his dock around 4 to see what he brings in. This day he didn’t get any fish, but he did have lobster, so we had a fabulous dinner of grilled lobster.

Thursday we checked out the grocery store and snacked our way around town. We ate at Budda’s, where the kitchen is in an old school bus, visited the Ponderosa gift shop which has all kinds of local arts and crafts in the car port of a home, stopped in at Ronald’s Seafood where we picked up a huge hogfish filet for dinner, and finished at the Shipyard for more snacks and a beautiful view of the water and Eleuthera. That afternoon we headed back out to the anchorage on Royal Island.

Friday, John and George headed out with Captains Bruno and Theron for some snorkeling, diving and spear fishing. The great white hunters had a blast and were very successful, coming back with many lobster and hogfish. Our freezer is now well stocked with seafood and we had another fantastic dinner of grilled hogfish and lobster.

Saturday we stop back into Spanish Wells Yacht Haven for water. George and Lisa are headed home and we are waiting for Jim and Michele Rubeor to arrive. I take a quick run (walk) to the the grocery store in search of milk. No milk to be had, but I score lettuce, broccoli, cantaloupe, fruit, and basically as much as I can carry. I probably only walked 5 minutes home before a very kind woman picked me up in her golf cart and brought me back to the marina. This is one of the things we love most about cruising. The kindness and generosity of the people we meet.

Great hunters headed out. When the question is “What’s for dinner?”, the answer is “Whatever you catch!?”

Wow! Dinner is amazing!!

Nope… not having any fun at all😉

Bruno and Theron are awesome guides!!



1 Comment

  • Lee German

    Love reading the journal and the pictures. Just imagine what those massive lobster tails would cost at a Charleston restaurant! Are you guys in Europe now for a few weeks?

    March 8, 2017 at 3:45 am

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