
Rough Seas

In the calm of Elizabeth Harbour in George Town Exumas the winds seemed pretty light and were forecast to be out of Northwest. So after a hair cut for Beth, a little more grocery shopping and extending John’s tourist card, we looked at the weather and though it would be a good day to head North and cut through one of the passes onto the Exuma Bank. Not perfect but not too bad.

Once off shore the winds steadily built to 15-20kts on the nose and 3 to 4′ seas. Not unsafe by any means, but certainly getting uncomfortable, especially headed into the wind. We took a lot of spray over the top. Poor Michele Rubeor, our guest this week has always been a little prone to sea sickness. She was counting down the miles.

Our usual policy is the “We are in paradise, going to paradise, and do not need make rough passages when we can just wait for the weather to improve.” Got underweigh a little too early.

We thought we’d make Little Farmers Cay but decided to duck in at Lee Stocking Island and go exploring there for day until the winds eased.

Elizabeth Anne heading North from George Town to Lee Stocking Island. Thanks to Bill, Shelly and Hank on “Fish Camp” for taking this great shot.

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