
Day 12 What a difference 20 miles makes

It’s Sunday and we went to the Kirk of the Pines Church. Small attendance after Dorian, our team of 5 doubled the congregation size. They’ve got relief supplies they are still distributing but I think they are winding down this element of their support. Lots of emphasis on reconstruction now. After church we saw a Bahama Power and Light crew working on the power distribution system. Yeah!!

Sunday is our day off, so Beth and I thought it would fun to head south to Little Harbour and have lunch at Pete’s Pub. It’s very definitely a gathering spot for locals these days. We met a lovely couple who unfortunately completely lost their “new to them” home at Eastern Shores. It was so interesting to get their take on everything…destruction, looting, rebuilding. Such a heart-wrenching and now, time-consuming process.

Welcoming sign to one of our favorite places on Abaco. First time I’ve driven here though.
Here’s the view from Pete’s deck just the same as always.
Bronze sculpture made at the foundry here in little harbour.

It was remarkable on the drive south from Marsh Harbour how at about 10 miles trees and power lines reappeared. By the time we reached the turn off to Little Harbour, it looked like the Bahamas we know and love.

We had a couple of Bilge Blasters (Pete’s Pub signature rum drink) in memory of the good times with all of our Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht friends.

Back at the house for twilight.

1 Comment

  • Jim

    You guys are the best!

    January 29, 2020 at 10:28 am

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