
Day 6 Water Mission – Fuel day

Today it was time to fuel up the various Water Mission generators at Treasure Cay. We’ve got two of them with 150 gallon tanks. We fill them from a 55 gallon drum with a hand pump. So we load up the empty tank into our truck, fill up the drum at the Treasure Cay fuel dock, and hand pump 55 gallons into the generator tank. Repeat, repeat, repeat. This mission work is not glamorous but it all needs to be done.

Second story blown off of the first story intact… sort of. On the way for diesel.

After tanks were filled we headed out to wrap the tanks we’ve got at various watering stations with tarps. The purpose of the tarps is to both advertise for Water Mission and let people know who’s gear it is. The primary purpose though is to keep the Chlorine disinfectant from breaking down in sunlight. Again not glamorous but needed.

One of our water distribution systems is up in the parking lot of the Jib Room. Don’t expect to come here for dinner anytime soon. It’s a ghost town with no activity and little evidence of recent activity. Really sad to see.


  • George

    Wow! What devastation!

    January 24, 2020 at 5:42 pm
    • johnpohle@gmail.com
      John Pohle


      The pictures don’t really do it justice. What is stunning is this is the entire town. I have put a lot of damage and destruction pictures out there because I don’t think they can convey the level of damage. We’ve been here now for a 10 days and have become used to the damage on one hand and also notice improvements… ever so small every day. Jimmy’s liquor store just installed real doors and windows yesterday instead of plywood doors that they used immediately after they opened. Small change but we notice these things there is a volunteer army of people here helping rebuild which is also heart warming.

      January 25, 2020 at 1:16 am
  • Ray cope


    Thanks for your information. Most of all thanks for the work you and Beth, and the group are doing .


    January 26, 2020 at 1:03 pm

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