
Water Missions Day 2 (1/16/20) Green Turtle Cay and Marsh Harbour

Start of another day… sunrise walk on the beach with Beth on Green Turtle Cay. Headed into New Plymouth for breakfast at the Hard Rock Liquor store (No it was not liquor for breakfast, they made a great breakfast sandwich). We said goodbye to Laurie, Frank and Patrick Thigpen before returning to Marsh Harbour by the Albury’s ferry. Josh the ferry captain helped us out today when he learned that the green turtle team needed PVC glue to finish getting the school hooked up so the kids could start going to school full time.

Green Turtle Cay seemed to be in much better condition than Marsh Harbour.  Most of the structures are intact and a lot of the debris has been removed.  The island has power and they are now working on hooking up buildings to the grid. There are several restaurants and stores open.

There are a couple of white boards at the Ferry Dock on Green Turtle that will give you a sense of what is going on there. Zoom in and read about what is open and happening. Check out the tall white board and notice the top Donation suggestion at Green Turtle…. Water Mission

Bulletin Board on Green Turtle Cay check out who’s already open
More Bulletins…

In Marsh Harbour, we met up with Josh Burns who just arrived from Water Mission in Charleston. We went to the treatment plant and learned some more from Dominique on the running of the 30,000gpd plant. Only problem currently is the foot valve in the intake from the sea seems to leak and the centrifugal pump looses prime while it’s off overnight. While not the end of the world it is a pain to reprime this pump.

Each day this plant runs for most of the day and we make about 6,000 gal per day. This is distributed to residents at the plant and also through distribution stands scattered throughout the community.

Beth took a walk out to Eastern Shores and took the following pictures. Talk about wiped out. Most structures are gone or damaged.

1 Comment

  • George

    I love the message board! What resilience! Will post the donation request to my Facebook wall.

    January 22, 2020 at 12:37 pm

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