RMHYC Aerobics and Yoga this morning
I (John) was introduced to Yoga here in Marsh Harbour our first season in the Bahamas. We joined the Royal Marsh Harbour yacht club in December 2016 thanks to a suggestion on the dock from David and Susan Odell on “Dragonfly”.
I later discovered that the RMHYC had a fabulous number of activities and one of them was Yoga. Susan Cope on “Copeing” used to teach Yoga here and we typically practiced under a palm frond covered Tiki Hut built out over the water. It was always easy to relax and become mindful listening to the water lap. We miss you Susan!

I love Yoga now and will practice whenever I can. Though Susan is no longer here today, Midge Kahn on “Maricella” started us out in 30kts of wind and cool weather.

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