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February 2022

Low tide on the sand bars at Cape Eleutbera

Alabaster Bay Anchorage

Friday, February 25, 2022 It was another great day here in Eleuthera. Winds 15 from the east. Calm at the anchorage off of Coco Di Mama. We hung out at the beach in the morning with Bruce and Bonnie on Odyssey and Jim and Michele Rubeor, Fred and Kerry Lange on Ruby Oar. Took the […]

It’s not all sand and beaches

Sunday, February 20, 2022 Sorry for the picture below. It ain’t pretty, but sometimes that’s life on a boat. We’re hanging on the anchor at Royal Island in Eleuthera. After great passage yesterday the wind picked up to the mid 20’s and it is a good day to stay aboard and work on a project. […]

Low Tide Textures

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 We’re at Spanish Wells Yacht Haven wanted to check out the sand bar at low tide on the North side of town. Today low tide was at 7:30am in Spanish Wells. We got to the beach shortly after sunrise and the light was gorgeous. The play of sun and shadow on […]

Little Harbour to Eleuthera

Saturday February 19, 2022 It’s been a windy week and today is the only weather window to Eleuthera for the next 10 days. Ordinarily a forecast of 6’ seas does not seem very appealing. But after a day of light winds. The seas are nice long rollers, instead of choppy seas. So decided to take […]

Jib Sea Sol

Sunday February 6, 2022 Cruised over to Hope Town to see our friend Mike Ryan on “Karma” play a little warm up concert on the dock at Hope Town Inn and Marina. It was a blustery day and it tried to drizzle on us, but it was not enough to stop the band. The challenge […]

Pickleball is back

Thursday, February 17, 2022 A big thank you to Abaco Beach Resort (ABR) for clearing out a space to play pickleball. ABR has never had a pickleball court, even before Dorian. Used to have astroturf like grass tennis courts back in the day. The Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club used to play as guests over […]

Thank you “Copeing”

Tuesday, February 9, 2022 It takes a village, or a Yacht Club to maintain a boat. Look at the brand new seat cushions on our Stidd chair. A great friend of mine, Ray Cope on “Copeing” happened to have these lying around and they didn’t fit on their boat. So he gave them to me. […]

Cruise to Great Guana Cay and an afternoon at Grabbers

Monday, January 31, 2022 Beth and I love the RMHYC members here at ABR this year. At happy hour last night we decided today would be a great day to go and anchor out at Great Guana Cay. The winds were forecast to be light out of the North East and the anchorage at Fishers […]

Great Guana Cay

Tuesday, February 1, 2022To the beach with us. Beth scores another seabean. Odyssey, Ruby Oar and Elizabeth Anne stopped by Nippers brightly painted again and a nice stair to the beach. We got there too early so they were closed. Probably a good thing since day drinking at 11:00am might not turn out well. There […]