
Alabaster Bay Anchorage

Friday, February 25, 2022

It was another great day here in Eleuthera. Winds 15 from the east. Calm at the anchorage off of Coco Di Mama. We hung out at the beach in the morning with Bruce and Bonnie on Odyssey and Jim and Michele Rubeor, Fred and Kerry Lange on Ruby Oar.

Took the dingy north to the sand bar off of the airport. Lots of sand dollars at both beaches we found a lot of alive ones just under the sand. It was cool because you could feel them beneath your feet as we walked in the shallow water. Also found some great whole dead ones that Beth collected.

We walked over to the Navy beach on the Atlantic side in the afternoon. We’re sure glad Steve and Trisa took us over here years ago. We miss playing with Coco and Zoe here this year.

Alabaster Bay

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