

Look who’s in the house Grandson Elias!

North Shroud Cay Creek

Tender ride up the creek Today we headed North from Wardrick Wells to Shroud Cay with Jim and Michele Rubeor. Easy passage up the Exumas today. It was beautiful day with Klaus and Helena on “Lusea”, a Halberg Rassy 46 heading the same way. We got some great video of them and they returned the […]

Internet Cafe at the top of Boo Boo hill. Only signal around. Nascar Sunday

Check out the mustache. Unfortunately it itches like hell and Beth hates it.

Rachel’s bubble bath in the Exumas.

Afternoon at Rachel’s Bubble Bath in the Exumas

Generator Blues

Hey why did the generator just stop? So you might think our lives are nothing but drinks on the beach, beautiful sunsets and warm sunshine. Most of the time that’s true. Unfortunately, a few days ago on the way from the Crookeds and Acklins back to the Exumas, the starboard Northern Lights Generator just shut […]

Rough Seas

In the calm of Elizabeth Harbour in George Town Exumas the winds seemed pretty light and were forecast to be out of Northwest. So after a hair cut for Beth, a little more grocery shopping and extending John’s tourist card, we looked at the weather and though it would be a good day to head […]

Chat n Chill

Today is the first day of Jim and Michele Rubeor’s annual Bahama boating adventure with us on “Elizabeth Anne”. We’ve picked them up in Georgetown, Exumas and will spend the next couple of weeks working our way North up the Exuma Islands. We’ve enjoyed Conch Salad and Sands Beer for lunch at the Chat n […]

Tucked away on Glassy Seas

This morning we woke up in Dollar Harbour off of Long Island to glassy calm seas. This was an overnight stop on the way to George Town, Exumas from Cat Island. It’s a cool little anchorage with yet another very shallow entrance. Explorer Charts show sand banks completely differently. All Visual Piloting getting in here. […]


Crooked Islands Sometimes life offers up a gift and it’s just serendipity. Today was one of those days. We are anchored at French Wells at Crooked Island and so far I’ve (Beth) felt a bit disappointed by our Crooked and Acklins experience. It is a beautiful place, but so far we’ve had a lot of […]

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