

March 2,2019 – Look what we caught on the way to Eleuthera. Two nice fish. A yellowfin tuna and a Mahi Mahi. Guess what’s for dinner? We caught the Tuna on Bait Masters rigged Ballyhoo and the Mahi on a bluish purple cedar plug. Freezer is full now.

Crooked and Acklins Islands

We’re assessing the weather now to see if we can make it to the Crooked and Acklins. Looks very remote and like there is some cool cruising and diving inside on the banks between the islands. Looks like we’ve got a good weather window to get there early next week. Now we just have to […]

Hope Town 

Patrick Davis Hopetown Songwriters Festival We’ve headed to Hopetown for the music festival and we have reservations at the Hopetown Inn and Marina. It will be a chance to show a whole different side of cruising to Jim and Michele which is much more social and land based. We are so excited for the music […]

Headed to Hope Town

  Time passes much to quickly and soon it’s time to head back north for the Hope Town Song Writers festival. It’s a day passage up to Little Harbor and Jim puts out a fishing line for the trip. We warn him that we will probably only catch something near the islands, but I put […]

Devil’s Backbone to Harbor Island

We are headed over to Harbor Island and that means taking the passage through the Devil’s Backbone. It’s a narrow passage between coral heads and the beach around the north side of Eleuthera. It’s recommended to pick up a pilot for the first time we make the passage, so we pick up Bruno in the […]

New Visitors!

We get a small taste of what’s it’s like to be charter crew as we “turn the boat” today. Fortunately, George and Lisa are huge help with laundry and remaking their bed, and while John is dropping them at the ferry and picking up Michele and Jim, I take care of the rest. It’s pretty […]

Spanish Wells

We’ve had our first visitors and we’ve had a great time. George and Lisa Pohle came in to Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, from Florida and lugged about 50 pounds of gear for us. We spent the first night at the Spanish Wells Yacht Haven which is a lovely marina, and rented a golf cart to explore […]


We are heading south to Eleuthera! Weather has passed and we are looking forward to visitors so we finally get to leave the dock again. We spend the first night anchored near Lynyard Cay. The weather and seas for our crossing to Eleuthera are calm so we meander our way down the coast of Great […]

Bingo Night at the Jib Room

Safely tucked in back at the marina at our new home on dock 5. Lots more boats here and we’re definitely more involved than we were out at dock 1. We have tons of boat projects to work on/finish and we’re quickly named the hardest working boat people. John gets our inverter up and running […]

Little Harbour

We’ve got a couple more days before some nasty weather arrives so we head on to Little Harbour.  It’s a well protected place, but we’ve never been before so we anchor around the corner and check out the entrance by dinghy. We’ll be able to get in but only at mid-high tide so it definitely […]

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