

Coco Beach to Stuart

Early departure with the goal of getting to Stuart, FL where we’ll wait for our weather window. John’s birthday today. Pretty uneventful trip with the exception of all the dolphins and manatee we’ve been seeing. The dolphins love to play with our wake and swim and jump along side. They jump so much they soaked […]

On to Coco Beach

Yesterday we drove back to Orlando for doctors appointments and a full day of shopping and parts pick up. Today we’re continuing our journey south on another cold, rainy, blustery day. I have a cold, so just yuck. Anchored out south of Coco Beach.

Jacksonville to Daytona

Quite a different day! The promised storms have arrived and we leave at 7 am in the pouring rain. Thank God for our pilothouse! What a day… John lost his hat in the channel so we turned around to rescue it. Successful rescue, but the we ran aground. Called Boat US for tow and got […]

The adventure begins

Our adventure “officially” begins.  It seem as though we’ve had a month of parties and goodbyes, but today we leave Jacksonville and finally begin our journey south. It’s a beautiful day to be on the water, 80’s, sunny and a light breeze. Just a short trip today as we finally get off the docks around […]

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