
Water Mission Work Bahamas 2020

Day 12 What a difference 20 miles makes

It’s Sunday and we went to the Kirk of the Pines Church. Small attendance after Dorian, our team of 5 doubled the congregation size. They’ve got relief supplies they are still distributing but I think they are winding down this element of their support. Lots of emphasis on reconstruction now. After church we saw a […]

Day 7 Water Mission – RO Filter Element Change, World Central Kitchen, Samaritans Purse

Long day today. 7:00am we started changing some of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes. We typically monitor the production water from each pair of membranes and when the conductivity (indicator of salt passing through the membrane gets high) we need to change the membrane. The picture above is Dominique (Bahamian working for Water Mission) and Mark […]

Day 6 Water Mission – Fuel day

Today it was time to fuel up the various Water Mission generators at Treasure Cay. We’ve got two of them with 150 gallon tanks. We fill them from a 55 gallon drum with a hand pump. So we load up the empty tank into our truck, fill up the drum at the Treasure Cay fuel […]

Day 4 and 5 Water Mission

Saturday and Sunday, 1/18-19/20 – Man-of-War Cay and Archers Today we changed the oil in the Water Mission pickup truck and cleaned the house Reverse Osmosis Water Maker. Chris Caines, Beth and I went to Man-of-War for the afternoon to add a freshwater flush system to the 4,000 gpd water maker there and did some […]

Day 3

Water Mission Day 3 Friday 1/17/20 Today was another busy day. Picked up Frank, Laurie and Pat from the Green Turtle Cay ferry at 7:30am and took them to the airport at Marsh Harbour for their flight out. Good bye to Team 6. Team 7 is in the house now. Then back to Treasure Cay […]

Water Missions Day 2 (1/16/20) Green Turtle Cay and Marsh Harbour

Start of another day… sunrise walk on the beach with Beth on Green Turtle Cay. Headed into New Plymouth for breakfast at the Hard Rock Liquor store (No it was not liquor for breakfast, they made a great breakfast sandwich). We said goodbye to Laurie, Frank and Patrick Thigpen before returning to Marsh Harbour by […]

Water Mission Day 1 (1/15/20) Grocery Shopping

Today is a transition day since the current team of volunteers, Team 6, gets ready to leave and Team 7 is learning what needs to be done. We are the only volunteers for Water Mission who have ever been here in Abaco before, so I got to run errands all day. Managed to stay on […]

Back to the Bahamas with Water Mission

Welcome to Marsh Harbour, Abacos. We had an easy direct flight on Bahamas Air from West Palm Beach to Marsh Harbour. The devastation is immediately apparent on the airfield with the fire station and control tower virtually destroyed. Surprisingly the passenger terminal is in very good shape. While the Air Conditioning and the baggage carousel […]