
Thank you “Copeing”

Tuesday, February 9, 2022 It takes a village, or a Yacht Club to maintain a boat. Look at the brand new seat cushions on our Stidd chair. A great friend of mine, Ray Cope on “Copeing” happened to have these lying around and they didn’t fit on their boat. So he gave them to me. […]

Cruise to Great Guana Cay and an afternoon at Grabbers

Monday, January 31, 2022 Beth and I love the RMHYC members here at ABR this year. At happy hour last night we decided today would be a great day to go and anchor out at Great Guana Cay. The winds were forecast to be light out of the North East and the anchorage at Fishers […]

Great Guana Cay

Tuesday, February 1, 2022To the beach with us. Beth scores another seabean. Odyssey, Ruby Oar and Elizabeth Anne stopped by Nippers brightly painted again and a nice stair to the beach. We got there too early so they were closed. Probably a good thing since day drinking at 11:00am might not turn out well. There […]

Cocktails on Dock 5

Sunday 1/30/22

RMHYC Aerobics and Yoga this morning

I (John) was introduced to Yoga here in Marsh Harbour our first season in the Bahamas. We joined the Royal Marsh Harbour yacht club in December 2016 thanks to a suggestion on the dock from David and Susan Odell on “Dragonfly”. I later discovered that the RMHYC had a fabulous number of activities and one […]

Welcome back to Marsh Harbour

Yesterday, 1/27/22 we ran the 30 miles from Green Turtle Cay to Abaco Beach Resort (ABR) in Marsh Harbour. ABR has been our winter home since 2016. We joined the Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club the first year we got here and made fantastic friends here. Many of you know the last 3 years have […]

Now we’re cruising

One of our favorite activities, besides working on “Elizabeth Anne”, is walking the windward side beaches. Today we’re on Green Turtle Cay and walked the Ocean Beach looking for treasures. Beth found our first sea bean of the year. After 11 days of traveling from Sanford, FL we’ve finally stopped for more than one day […]

What happened to the Blog?

So I just want to say that writing a Blog consistently is a lot of work and easy to do tomorrow. Mañana. Our last post was pre COVID. I can’t believe it. That’s a lot on mañanas. Once you stop it becomes increasingly difficult to restart. Do you try to catch up? Just start with […]

Day 12 What a difference 20 miles makes

It’s Sunday and we went to the Kirk of the Pines Church. Small attendance after Dorian, our team of 5 doubled the congregation size. They’ve got relief supplies they are still distributing but I think they are winding down this element of their support. Lots of emphasis on reconstruction now. After church we saw a […]

Day 7 Water Mission – RO Filter Element Change, World Central Kitchen, Samaritans Purse

Long day today. 7:00am we started changing some of the Reverse Osmosis Membranes. We typically monitor the production water from each pair of membranes and when the conductivity (indicator of salt passing through the membrane gets high) we need to change the membrane. The picture above is Dominique (Bahamian working for Water Mission) and Mark […]

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