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Xuma Restaurant on Highbourne Cay

Five or Six years ago we met Chef Cory at Highbourne while I was on a run in the Highbourne Hauler to Normans Cay. Cory was a young Chef and I had a nice conversation with him on our back to Highbourne. That evening he hooked us up with a special meal that hadn’t made […]

Songs of Exuma Park

Friday, March 11, 2022 This Bahama Mockingbird boldly serenaded us today at the Exuma Park headquarters on Warderick Wells.

Low tide on the sand bars at Cape Eleutbera

Alabaster Bay Anchorage

Friday, February 25, 2022 It was another great day here in Eleuthera. Winds 15 from the east. Calm at the anchorage off of Coco Di Mama. We hung out at the beach in the morning with Bruce and Bonnie on Odyssey and Jim and Michele Rubeor, Fred and Kerry Lange on Ruby Oar. Took the […]

Great Guana Cay

Tuesday, February 1, 2022To the beach with us. Beth scores another seabean. Odyssey, Ruby Oar and Elizabeth Anne stopped by Nippers brightly painted again and a nice stair to the beach. We got there too early so they were closed. Probably a good thing since day drinking at 11:00am might not turn out well. There […]

RMHYC Aerobics and Yoga this morning

I (John) was introduced to Yoga here in Marsh Harbour our first season in the Bahamas. We joined the Royal Marsh Harbour yacht club in December 2016 thanks to a suggestion on the dock from David and Susan Odell on “Dragonfly”. I later discovered that the RMHYC had a fabulous number of activities and one […]

What happened to the Blog?

So I just want to say that writing a Blog consistently is a lot of work and easy to do tomorrow. Mañana. Our last post was pre COVID. I can’t believe it. That’s a lot on mañanas. Once you stop it becomes increasingly difficult to restart. Do you try to catch up? Just start with […]

Headed to Hope Town

  Time passes much to quickly and soon it’s time to head back north for the Hope Town Song Writers festival. It’s a day passage up to Little Harbor and Jim puts out a fishing line for the trip. We warn him that we will probably only catch something near the islands, but I put […]

Devil’s Backbone to Harbor Island

We are headed over to Harbor Island and that means taking the passage through the Devil’s Backbone. It’s a narrow passage between coral heads and the beach around the north side of Eleuthera. It’s recommended to pick up a pilot for the first time we make the passage, so we pick up Bruno in the […]

New Visitors!

We get a small taste of what’s it’s like to be charter crew as we “turn the boat” today. Fortunately, George and Lisa are huge help with laundry and remaking their bed, and while John is dropping them at the ferry and picking up Michele and Jim, I take care of the rest. It’s pretty […]

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